Origin Story

Deeper Dive Behind How Her Nomad Bliss Started

Hi, there! My name is Sammi, and I started Her Nomadic Bliss as a way to inspire and share my experience as a solo female traveler with others aspiring to one day start their own journey, or who may have already taken the leap!

Who I am…

I am a passionate female nomad- period. I have used various means to make full time travel my reality. I first started my travels when I became a digital nomad in 2022 and was house/pet sitting in a beautiful house with furry companions as I worked remotely 40 min away from home. And now? I have solo traveled to 4 continents, 10 countries, and endless cities making priceless memories along the way. I would not have believed I was capable of embarking on a journey like this if you would have told me even just three years ago. So, I am eager to show others how they can do the same!

What you should know about me…

  • I grew up believing in the white picket fence and the American dream. However, that quickly ended when I realized it was not a realistic route that was going to bring me true happiness
  • My first solo international trip was visiting my dream country – Japan- with a travel tour company- Intrepid. It builds the foundation of my confidence as an international solo female traveler. It pushed me to continue booking future flights outside the U.S.
  • After experiencing a layoff followed by a near-death experience in a car accident, I decided to pack as much as I could in a carry-on and bought a one-way ticket to head to Europe.

The full story about Her Nomadic Bliss…

Her Nomadic Bliss has been created as a way to share with other aspiring solo female travelers the tips and trips I have learned along my journey as a lone female nomad these past few years.

However, I was not always a confident traveler. My dream for as long as I could remember was to go and travel the world- I wanted to see everything. But, I was scared and had no one I could do it with.

I remember googling “how to travel on a budget” after graduating in 2020. One of the searches left the most lasting impression on me for years… It was a YouTube video of a woman who claimed to have found the ‘world’s best travel hack.” She was staying in these huge, magnificent homes for FREE! And she shared that all she had to do was take care of two dogs! By working remotely and pet/house sitting, she was able to travel the world on a reasonable budget! I made a promise to myself that one day I was going to do that.

Fast forward two years later, I finally built the courage and overcame much of the fear stopping me from taking my first steps as a solo traveler. On August 26, 2022, I was selected to complete my first house sit for the weekend in a city 40 min away from my home. With each subsequent sit, I felt more comfortable selecting a house with a longer sit duration and distance from home. My next one was 3 hrs away, then it was in Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. I was officially a digital nomad working remotely while getting to call these beautiful sits “home” for nearly months at a time.

In 2023, I became more serious about full-time travel, as I saw how possible it was for myself and I decided to sign up for a travel credit card. And, I decided I was ready to take my next big leap- solo travel internationally. And what better way to do it than with my dream country for my birthday? So, I decided to book it with a travel tour company -Intrepid- to ensure that I would have a smooth experience since I knew that it would help lay the foundation for my future travels.

And boy was I right! I had a beautiful experience exploring Japan’s various cities and engrossing myself in its culture.

However, experiencing a layoff upon my return made me realize I would have to restrategize my full-time travel plans. That is when I learned about World Packers, a work exchange program where I provide part-time hours of labor in return for room and board. So, I decided to book my first World Packer’s experience in Chile working at a hotel. I did not have the best experience but decided I would give it one more try. I went home packed as much as I could into a carry-on and purchased a one-way ticket to Europe in July 2023. I especially pushed myself to take this leap after a near-death experience in a car accident made me gain a deep appreciation for the value of the limited time I have on this planet.

I scheduled a World Packers experience for the following three months- starting in Germany- and was eager to see what would come about it.

The long working hours made it difficult for me to explore the new region I was in, making me decide to ultimately cancel my future World Packers experiences. I headed off to England where I booked a Housesit to, again, reassess my full-time travel plans for the remainder of 2023. Since I was now going to have to fund my entire trip and cover expenses not previously compensated for and I did not want to go back home yet- I felt that the USD currency would hold me up well in cheaper southeast Asian regions. That was when I decided to buy the cheapest ticket to Asia to become a backpacker.

The cheapest route was from Greece to Singapore, and though neither is known for being a relatively cheap country, I made a trip out of them both. So, I got to experience them on my way to countries I would stay for longer, such as Vietnam and Thailand.

My whole experience on the other side of the world was a dream come true, one that I would have never believed I was capable of completing, let alone in how quickly of a period I was able to do it in. I made priceless memories, and most importantly, I learned so many valuable lessons that helped me grow in so many aspects, making me feel so much more confident and well-rounded as a person.

My Success Story…

I am currently back home from my travels, in complete awe and disbelief of all the stories I have collected from the past few months during my global travels, as well as my last two years as a nomad in general. I am so grateful for my courage in going after my dreams and building this beautiful life for myself. I would not have believed you if you had told me all that I would set out to do even just three years ago. And, in the same way, I want you to know that it is completely possible for you. There is nothing special about me. I was just a girl whose growing discomfort of possible regret finally grew bigger than her fears of going out and trying. You don’t have to reach that point, I can show you everything you need to know to prepare you to become a confident solo female world traveler!!!